Thanh-Tuân BUI

(36 yo), Associate professor at LPPI (CY) since 2013.

Research Topics: His research focus on the development of organic materials for energy conversion. The main interest is charge transport materials for organic and hybrid solar cells with emphasis on device performance and long term operation stability (solid-state dye sensitized solar cells, perovskite solar cells and organic photovoltaics). Other interests are electron donor and acceptor materials for the active layer of organic photovoltaics, interfacial materials and dopants for perovskite solar cells, and Visible and NIR photo-initiator for photo-polymerization process.
Thanh-Tuân BUI
Thanh-Tuân BUI
Scientific production: 38 peer-reviewed articles, 1 book chapters. H-index: 13 (Google Scholar)
Communications: 6 research seminar (Europe and Asia), 2 invited talk and 10 oral presentation in conferences, co-author of other ca. 40 communication in conferences.
Supervision: 1 ongoing postdoc researcher, 2 ongoing PhDs, 2 defended PhDs and around 10 Master and Undergraduate students

5 major publications in the field of solar cells:
  1. Design of dendritic core carbazole-based hole transporting materials for efficient and stable hybrid solar cells. T.-T. Bui, M. Ulfa, F. Maschietto, A. Ottochian, M.-P. Nghiem, I. Ciofini, F. Goubard, T. Pauporté, Organic Electronics 2018, 60, 22-30.
  2. Impact of Organic Hole Transporting Material and Doping on the Electrical Response of Perovskite Solar Cells. M. Ulfa, T. Pauporté, T.-T. Bui, F. Goubard, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2018, 122, 11651-11658.
  3. Triphenylamine-thienothiophene organic charge transport molecular materials: impact of arylamine substitution position on thermal, photoectrochemical and photovoltaic properties. T. H. Le, Q.-D. Dao, M.-P. Nghiêm, S. Péralta, R. Guillot, Q. N. Pham, A. Fujii, M. Ozaki, F. Goubard, T.-T. Bui, Chemistry – An Asian Journal 2018, 13, 1302-1311.
  4. Simple 3,6-bis(diphenylaminyl)carbazole molecular glasses as hole transporting materials for hybrid perovskite solar cells. T.-T. Bui, F. Goubard, J. Troughton, T. Watson, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 2017, 28, 17551.
  5. Role of LiTFSI in High Tg Triphenylamine-based Hole Transporting Material in Perovskite Solar Cell. A.-N. Cho, H.-S. Kim, T.-T. Bui, X. Sallenave, F. Goubard, N.-G. Park, RSC Advances 2016, 6, 68553.