Giao Nguyen

Associate professor in the LPPI from 2010. Her current interests focus on the development of new electrolyte polymer systems for applications in electrochemical devices such as actuators, mechanical sensors, supercapacitors, Li-thium batteries…

Giao Nguyen
Giao Nguyen
Keywords: polymer networks, polymer electrolyte, piezoionic mechanical sensors
Supervision activities: PhD (co-supervisor): 8 – 5 defended, 3 in progress – Master students: 15

Main publications:
  1. V. Woehling, G. T. M. Nguyen, C. Plesse, S. Cantin, J. D. W. Madden and F. Vidal, Sensors Actuators B Chem., DOI:10.1016/j.snb.2017.10.090
  2. L. Dagousset, G. Pognon, G. T. M. Nguyen, F. Vidal, S. Jus, P.-H. Aubert, J. Power Sources (2018).
  3. T. E. Kerr-Phillips, V. Woehling, R. Agniel, G. T. M. Nguyen, F. Vidal, P. Kilmartin, C. Plesse, J. Travas-Sejdic, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2015, 3, 4249–4258.
  4. Y. Zhong, G. T. M. Nguyen, C. Plesse, F. Vidal, E. W. H. Jager, J. Mater. Chem. C 7(2), 256–266 (2019). 
  5. K. Rohtlaid, G. T. M. Nguyen, C. Soyer, E. Cattan, F. Vidal, C. Plesse, Adv. Electron. Mater. 1800948, 1800948 (2019)