Christopher Arendse

49 years, Physics Department

2014- 2017 (PhD Degree) – University of the Western Cape

Research Topics: Prof Arendse’s research is focused on the application of nano-structured material in energy conversion devices, such as photovoltaic devices. Specific energy technology areas that he targets are photovoltaic devices, where he focuses on the synthesis and characterisation of silicon-alloyed nano-structures, organic photovoltaics and nano-metrology. Crucial to the development of such devices is the understanding of the structure-property-relationship of the constituent nano-structured material and its eventual impact on the electrical properties and stability of the devices.

Christopher Arendse
Christopher Arendse
Prof Arendse has published several papers in international accredited peer-reviewed journals and regularly supervises MSc and Christopher has served as head of Physics department for the past 4 years. The Physics department is home to the Electron Microscope Unit of UWC. The Electron Microscope Unit (EMU) at UWC was commissioned in 1983 when UWC purchased its first Scanning Electron Microscope (Hitachi X650) and Transmission Electron Microscope (Hitachi H800). Both these instruments are still in operation and are functioning very well. The SEM is a 40 kV instrument equipped with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), while the TEM is a 200kV instrument. Both instruments have been fitted with a digital image acquisition system. Over the last ten years more than a hundred postgraduate students have conducted research in the EMU after receiving training on our electron microscopes, and have subsequently graduated.

Google Scholar:
H-index: 23
Scientific production: 96 peer reviewed publications
Communications: 25+ keynote, invited and oral presentations
Supervision: 10+ PhD, 15+ Masters completed

5 major publications:
  1. Evolution of the chemical composition of Sn thin films heated during x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Modiba, F., Arendse, C.J., Oliphant, C.J., Jordaan, W.A. and Mostert, L., 2019. Surfaces and Interfaces, 17, p.100378.
  2. Elemental Cu doped Co3O4 thin film for highly sensitive non-enzymatic glucose detection. Harry, M., Chowdhury, M., Cummings, F. and Arendse, C.J., 2019. Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research, 23, p.100262.
  3. Determination of the structure, morphology and complex refractive index in ZnO-nanopencils/P3HT hybrid structures. D. E. Motaung, G. F. Malgas, C. J. Arendse and S. E. Mavundla, Materials Chemistry and Physics 135 (2012) 401
  4. Structural and optical properties of AlxOy/Pt/AlxOy multilayer absorber, Z. N. Nuru, C. J. Arendse, T. F. G. Muller and M. Maaza. Materials Science and Engineering B (2012),